Preview Mode for Reports

When viewing the report in Preview Mode you will see the report as it will print.

Preview Mode for Reports

Preview Mode Toolbar

Toolbar Button


The Refresh icon will refresh the information in a report. This is useful if you have gone back and added or removed an asset while the report is open.

The Zoom icon increases or decreases the size of the report displayed on screen, depending on the choice you make.

The left facing arrow with a line will take you back to the first page of a multi-page report.

The left facing arrow will take you back one page in a multi-page report.

The right facing arrow will take you forward one page in a multi-page report.

The right facing arrow with a line will take you to the last page in a multi-page report.

The jump to page field allows you to select the page number you want to view from the drop-down list.

The Search icon allows you to search the report.

The Print Report icon allows you to print the report to the printer of your choice.

The Export Report icon allows you to save the report as a PDF.